Writing Prompt for February 1: Want to Learn Journal/Writing Prompt for February 1: In February I want to learn how to…
Writing Prompt for January 30: I Learned Writing Prompt/Journal for January 30: In January I learned…
Writing Prompt for January 30: Croissant Journal/Writing Prompt for January 30: Today is Croissant Day! My favorite way to eat bread is…
Writing Prompt for January 29: Puzzles January 29 is National Puzzle Day! Write a story about a missing puzzle piece.
Writing Prompt for January 28: Fun at Work Journal/Writing Prompt for January 29: Today is Fun at Work Day! List three ways you could add some fun to the work you’ll do today.
Writing Prompt for January 24: Compliments Writing Prompt for January 24: Today is Compliment Day! List five people you are likely to see today and one compliment you could say to each person.