Writing Prompt for January 24: Today is Compliment Day! List five people you are likely to see today and one compliment you could say to each person.
Writing Prompt for January 21: Squirrels
Journal/Writing Prompt for January 21: Today is Squirrel Appreciation Day! Write a story about a squirrel.
Writing Prompt for January 15: Hats
Journal/Writing Prompt for January 15: Today is National Hat Day! I think hats are…
Writing Prompt for January 14: Pet Dress Up
Journal/Writing Prompt for January 14: Today is Dress Up Your Pet Day! I would dress up a pet as…
Writing Prompt for January 9: Soup
Journal/Writing Prompt for January 9: January is National Soup Month. Write directions for making a pot of soup.
Writing Prompt for January 8: Take the Stairs
Journal/Writing Prompt for January 8: The second Wednesday in January is National Take the Stairs Day!Why might someone take the stairs instead of using an elevator?