Grades 2-10 | RIT 171-220
Informational Text: Main Ideas, Supporting Details
– Identify the most important ideas in a piece of text and the details that point to those ideas
Lesson Idea: Can You Find? Cubing Activity
(Grade K-2, RIT 121-180)
Primary: Book Concepts
– Locate and identify parts of a book
Lesson Idea: Text Scavenger Hunt
(Grade 3-8, RIT 191-220)
– Locate Information – Using Graphic Features of Text
– Explore a textbook and practice book-related vocabulary
Updated: Lesson Idea: Pattern Starters
Grades K-2 | RIT <111-190 Order puzzle-like pieces to make patterns
Flexible Grouping: Tips and Tricks
There are as many ways to structure flexible grouping as there are teachers and classrooms.
Websites for Teachers: Lesson Plans
Links to lesson plans for all levels and subjects