(Grade K-2, RIT 121-180)
Primary: Book Concepts
– Locate and identify parts of a book
Zone of Proximal Development
Students learn best when they begin at their current point of understanding and are challenged, with support…
Legend of Silent Rock
Story about the urban legend around Silent Rock on Mt. Hood in Oregon
Related Skills: Cause/Effect, Main Idea, Fact/Opinion
Flexible Grouping: Tips and Tricks
There are as many ways to structure flexible grouping as there are teachers and classrooms.
Flexible Grouping
What Makes Grouping Strategies Effective? A Summary of Research Grouping students for instruction has long been a part of our educational system. Most commonly, students are grouped into grade levels by biological age. Grouping by ability has also been a popular method of
Graphic Organizers
Graphic organizers are ways to organize information in a way that makes it more visible, more accessible, and easier to understand.