This afternoon I had my first chance this year to volunteer in my own kids’ classrooms, and I am absolutely thrilled at what I saw happening in each.
Their teachers are amazing.
After a crazy, somewhat chaotic summer that included moving into a new house, I really wanted my kids to have the best possible year at school, for their classrooms to be places they looked forward to going each day, where they would feel cared for and capable and where they could learn and create and grow.
When the class lists were posted the Friday before school started, I was (literally) doing a happy dance out in front of the school. My daughter, in second grade, got the teacher I’d hoped for, one I’d heard multiple friends say had been the best teacher their kids had ever had.
And my son, in first grade, got a teacher new to the school. Several of the first grade teachers retired last spring, so I was excited about the potential for someone new – hoping for someone energetic and innovative.
We got that, and more. I can’t wait to see what this year has in store.