www.fortheteachers.org went live last week, on June 20. Yeah!
The response has been very positive. We took a short break to pat ourselves on the back before getting back to work.
We had hoped to have more resources ready at launch time – particularly sample lesson plans aligned to Common Core State Standards.
But we’re still in the process now of finalizing a design – putting together a format that is easy for teachers to read and use and that fits as much information on one page as possible.
Some decisions will be made this week. We’re attending an assessment conference with one primary objective: listen to what people are asking for.
Conferences are one of our favorite ways to get ideas, to meet other educators and to hear more about their challenges and what resources would be most beneficial.
We’ll have several new lesson ideas in a draft format posted tomorrow so that we can ask for feedback and preferences.
Once the format is finalized (at least for now) we hope to get at least a couple lessons posted each week throughout the summer to have a good sampling available, K-12, by the time school starts this fall.