I was SO excited when I found out that I was going to get to go to the ASCD conference in Los Angeles. The last ASCD conference I attended was ten years ago, in New Orleans. That had been an incredible few days (not to mention my first chance to visit that part of the country, to tour Southern plantations and to pet a baby alligator).
A year ago, I was spending a lot of time working on this website, creating materials and connecting with other educators through multiple weekly Twitter chats, which were just so much fun. This school year, however, has ended up being particularly stressful and busy – family stuff, job stuff, health stuff – so I haven’t been able to keep up.
In planning for this conference, I set some goals for creating new materials and for getting back onto Twitter more regularly so I could connect with others who would be here. I did not meet those goals. In fact, yesterday I realized “Print list of goals” was still on my to-do list from 70+ days ago. Oops.
But I’m here. I’m excited. I’m going to learn so much today. I know a great many educators I admire are here, and I can’t wait to have the chance to meet them.
It’s going to be a great day.