For many, March is an easy month to celebrate. March includes St. Patrick’s Day and the First Day of Spring, Dr. Seuss’ birthday and – for teachers and students (in my area at least) – Spring Break!
And this year, Easter falls in March, too!
March also has its share of lesser known holidays and days worth celebrating. I, for one, will be having some fun for National Bubble Week, among others.
March 5: Unique Names Day
This is the day for all of us who have spent our lives listening to other people mispronounce our names.
And for all of the teachers who’ve ever had to pause while taking attendance the first day of school…
March 14: Pi Day
Get it? March 14? 3.14?
March 14 also happens to be Albert Einstein’s birthday! A great day for celebrating our smart selves.
March 22: International Goof Off Day
This is also the Friday before my kids’ Spring Break. Perfect timing!
March 26: Make Up Your Own Holiday Day
Oh, the possibilities… I think it should be “Mommies Sleep Uninterrupted until Noon” Day!
March 28: Something on a Stick Day
Corndogs, lollipops, frozen bananas, popcicles, caramel apples – If it’s on a stick, today is it’s day!