Today is Day One of my kindergartener’s ten day break from school for Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving week used to mean school on Monday and Tuesday with an early release on Wednesday. Then a couple of years ago, the district took those days off of the school calendar as a cost-cutting move.
I’ll admit – I’m more than a little jealous. If I’d had that much time off during my early (and pre-children-of-my-own) days, I’d have been thrilled. And napped and read and worked on projects of my own. And eaten daily helpings of pumpkin pie to celebrate.
Of course, now that I’m a parent, days “off” are a distant memory. Of course, I do love having the extra time with her. But I’m also strongly suggesting that her dad take her out to lunch one of the days for some Father-Daughter time. So I can nap and eat some pie.
Her teacher didn’t give her homework but requested that all of us parents work with our kids on reading over the break.
So, in honor of her request, here are five things we’re going to try to fit in over these ten days:
1) “Give Your Child a Notebook to Write or Draw about Family Events and Trips”
I’m a sucker for blank notebooks myself, and I have bought countless for my kids. I recently bought a binding machine so we can make our own spiral notebooks. So, yes, there will be many, many new notebooks in my kids’ near future. Mine too. Maybe a gratitude journal? A Christmas wish list? A holiday activity bucket list?
2) “Encourge Your Child to Write Letters to Family and Friends, Such as Thank You Notes”
We’re about half done with the thank you notes for presents she received on her birthday. A month ago.
3) “Visit Your Public Library Regularly”
Should I be embarassed that we’ll probably come home with more borrowed movies than books? It will be nice for the kids to have some new things to watch over the break…
4) “Have Books and Magazines in Your Home”
Not a problem. I’m a book junkie anyway. And my son’s preschool is currently having their annual book fair. I made it through two days of just browsing before coming home with a bagful last night. Added to my own collection of Cinderella stories and found a couple new books from some favorite authors. It’s hard to imagine having too many books.
5) “Let Your Child See You Reading”
Because, really, any reason I can find to curl up with a good book these days is one I’m going to take full advantage of!
More Ideas for Parents to Help their Kids with Reading